Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dance me to the end of Love


Discover Thalía!

The old dog

I was feeling like hell yesterday. Went for a walk to relax. There was the patch of grass on the sidewalk and on that patch was laying an old dog. I felt sorry for him, what the way to die for the animal. The dog lifted his head and looked at me with the big smile, just as he was saying, "don't worry about me ol' buddy I'm OK".

Sunday, July 13, 2008


I'm sorry but I won't be able to respond for next 2-3 weeks.

Friday, July 11, 2008

yet another Anaconda head

Isn't she "huggable"

Anaconda curve

Epoulet Oriole - Icterus cayanensis

Je'taime, but who are you

Brazilian Ferret in the water

they are excellent swimmers

Brazilian Ferret 2

Those animals are so cute that I have to post another pic. They always on the run, discovering new things.

the Great Men and Women are not born

but they live forever.

two sleeping Tegus

Black-and-white Hawk-eagle

Spizastur melanoleucus

flight of the Southern Crested Caracara

Red-legged Seriema on the tree

flight of the American Woodstork 2

flight of the American Woodstork - Mycteria americana 1

Africa has its Hippos

Brazil has Tapirs, even though they are smaller than Hippos and not as dangerous, they love the water. They are the largest Brazilian mammals and can weight up-to 350 kg.

Brazilian Ferret - called Furao in Brazil

learning from the animals

There are a couple of Maned Wolfs in Cuiaba ZOO and one of them has injured a front leg. Today the zoo keeper brought the food and the healthy wolf let the sick one eat first. We can learn a lot from the animals behavior.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

writings in the stone

There are many stone with rupestrian art around Chapada dos Guimaraes. I was told that this one is around 4000 years old, but no one knows exactly.

an entrance to the very old house

in the community of "Buriti" a few kilometers before Chapada.

a very, very old fireplace in Chapada dos Guimaraes

One would wonder, why fireplace in the tropics. Well, Chapada can get very cold in the winter months

windows in the old houses

very few houses were build with the glass windows, mostly they are made out of wood or steel, the cable is connecting a TV set to the satellite dish, one of the very few modern appliances

the door frame of 120 year old house

the fifth generation lives in that house constructed by the great-great-grandfather.

details of the door frame of the old house in Mato Grosso

no one builds them anomore to last for centuries.

little altar in the 120 years old community house, interior of Mato Grosso

interesting looking dog

a drop of water

firewood stove 3

firewood stove 2

firewood stove 1

church bell ringer

what's the point?

This iron bridge over the river Coxipo-Açu has been built in 1907 by British and all the steel parts had to be imported from UK, since there was no local iron industry. The current government of Mato Grosso restored this bridge recently. It ends-up on the private property, so what's the use of restoring the bridge that does not serve any purpose, except for children jumping from it.

girls taking bath in one of the waterfalls of "Salgadeira"

a little girl in the mirror

Figures of Saints in the church

Altar of "Nossa Senhora de Guia"

Church "Nossa Senhora de Guia"

and this is the spectacle

the humble beginning

of the great scenery. This is beginning of the Bridal's Veil waterfall. It does not look like much of the things, until you step back and see the 85 meters fall of the water into the spectacular canyon. Everything in life is relative.

Nothing in life if perfect

but there are many wonderfully beautiful things in life. The most beautiful of them, LOVE, I still do not understand.

Cattle drive on Transpantaneira road

the cattle is moved from the flooded areas during the rainy season

Termites mounts in Pantanal

The height of the mounts indicates the water levels during the rainy season. The mounts have to remain above the water.