Monday, December 24, 2007

full moon seen from my apartment in Cuiabá

Christmas moon

1 comment:

the iconoclast said...


I lived in Barra do Bugres (160 km. north of Cuiabá) for six years, during the 70's, and still communicate regularly with friends there.

I happened on you site some months ago, and was very impressed with the quality and variety of your photographs. Being an amateur photographer, and somewhat of a petty and envious individual, I often find it hard to compliment another photographer. But you, sir, are good. Knowing the mato and wildlife quite well, I am amazed at the work you must go to in order to achieve such good and varied photos.

I read in your blog that you're considering giving up the fight. Being a melancholy man myself, I understand your fellings, but encourage you to stay in the struggle.

Having been away from Brasil for quite a number of years, I'm ignorant of the economic dynamics of Mato Grosso and Brasil.

There must be some way for you to eke out a subsistence living - especially with your degree as an electrical engineer, coupled with your excellence as a photographer.

Anyway, if you should read this, and wish to communicate with a mediocre gringo photographer about Cuiabá, Barra do Bugres, Cáceres, and the other towns of whats now called médio norte of Mato Grosso, send an email to

I promise not to proselytize or lecture.

Felize natal, e um prósper ano novo. Vá aguentando rapaiz. A vida não é tão ruim, não. Você bem podia estar aqui na neve de Montana, nos eua, em vez de Mato Grosso.

Richard Geary